10 Tools to Design Perfect Color Palettes

access_time 2022-07-06T17:38:09.327Z face Mansi Soni
10 Tools to Design Perfect Color Palettes Planning to create a color palette for your design? Know the top tools used for building color palettes. 10 Tools to Design Perfect Color Palettes Designing color palettes is the first and foremost step in creating a piece of art whether it's a design or th...

8 Must-Read Books for Graphics Designers

access_time 1655287200000 face Mansi Soni
8 Must-Read Books for Graphics Designers If you are on the way to becoming a graphics designer, then know the books that are a must-read for you. 8 Must-Read Books for Graphics Designers Hello readers, in our previous blog we have talked about the skills required to become a motion graphics designe...